Monday, December 25, 2006

Diabetes Cure- A Dream Or A Reality?

As the number of diabetes cases steadily grows, those diagnosedand involved in the care of diabetes patients have elected tofocus on three options: prevent, cure and provide better carefor those afflicted.

Many look to prevent diabetes by organizing programs thateducate and bring public awareness to the various aspects ofdiabetes. By reaching the masses and bringing this awareness,those who heed the value of the message can keep themselvesfrom becoming one of the millions of sufferers.

Stopping complications of diabetes are some of the reasons whyso much research is done today all over the world. Even withdaily insulin shots, can type 1 diabetes patients still developcomplications. Sometimes with good sugar control the process ofdeterioration continues to go on. The diabetes industry had totry finding alternative ways to curb the problem.

Special groups raise millions of dollars every year to helpfund research for a diabetes cure in the hope that soon, lovedones will no longer be ravaged by its complications. Advancesin technology continue to help provide better care for thosewho suffer from the complications of diabetes and make life ahappy healthy journey.

Alternative Approaches to Curing Diabetes Also Being Pursued:

•Pancreas cell transplants. Doctors are transplanting isletcells from a donor pancreas to provide a cure for somepatients.•Development of artificial pancreas cells•Genetic manipulation with fat and/or muscle cells that don’tnormally make insulin, yet are able to do so when a humaninsulin gene is inserted.

Each of these approaches presents a unique challenge. Be itpreventing the rejection of the procedure by the immune systemitself to finding an adequate number of insulin cells andkeeping them alive, rest assured that each challenge is beingmet with progress and great strides are consistently being madein the search for a cure to diabetes.

Although much have been done so far, the challenge of finding acure for most of the diabetic patients out there is still wideopen

About The Author:
This content is provided by Dr Pieter de Weta general practitioner and in practice for 20 years.It may beused only in its entirety with all links included. Get yourdiabetes & diabetes symptoms advice at

Til Next Time!

John VJohn C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt.In Magic System


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